Summer Journey

The cornerstone of OUDC’s program is our transformational Summer Journey in July.  Our young leaders stand on the battlegrounds of past struggles in New York and throughout the Deep South.  They study in-depth the history of the Black and Jewish experiences in our country.  Civil Rights-era leaders and foot soldiers share their stories from the front lines of the Movement.  Modern-day justice advocates illustrate the work still to be done and how to get involved.  Our students learn from each other, spending hours exploring issues, having honest dialogue, and developing steadfast relationships that erase racial, religious and ideological boundaries.

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Click on the video and photos to learn more

Making spiritual connections in Harlem

Speaking with survivors of the Greensboro Massacre

At the Children’s March staging ground, Kelly Ingram Park

Searching for justice
in Alabama

Connecting with Holocaust survivors

Crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, AL

Visiting Jewish communities in the Deep South

Meeting the Sunflower County Freedom Project students

Standing at the site of MLK’s assassination

Click to explore photos from Class 21’s Summer Journey!