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1.1 No student shall be accepted into a class of Operation Understanding DC without having submitted a complete application and written recommendations by the publicized due date. Due date extensions may be made by staff as circumstances warrant.

1.2 No student shall be admitted into a class of Operation Understanding DC without satisfactory participation in the interview process.

1.3 No applicant shall receive preferential treatment or a favorable review of his or her application based on having a relationship with any current or past participant, current or former Board member, staff member, volunteer and/or donor.

1.4 Any volunteer, donor, Board or staff member who has a relationship (i.e. is a friend, mentor, teacher, or has knowledge of an applicant that makes an objective evaluation of the applicant a challenge) will be deemed to have a conflict of interest when assessing an applicant’s candidacy.

1.5 Any volunteer or staff member who is involved with selecting students for participation in a class must divulge any conflicts of interest as defined above prior to interviewing and evaluating the student. The Chair(s) of the Recruitment Selection Committee (at his/her/their sole discretion) will determine how to resolve said conflict(s).